dua minggu ini gw sibuk bangettt; SSC, open house, placement test etc etchupf.hope god gimme more strength
okay.wanna tell you about open house
for the first time, my school make an open house especially for rsbi (ganti nama aja teruuus!) and acceleration class.yaah.namanya baru pertama kali, jadi acara ini kayak 100x lebih sibuk dari acara'' yang lain. we make an invitations, souvenirs (200!) by ourselves and handmade.hho.menempa kekompakan kami semua :)
okay.wanna tell you about my life
just feel confused.
rasanya kayak jalan di rute yang udah ditentukan tapi at last we never know when the journey will finish.
tired?yeah.of course. but i think i must be strong girl (kata kg ridwan!hhai)
kalo udah ngerasa kayak gini, rasanya gw pengen jadi peterpan ajj, live in neverland, back to the child moment: the moment when we have our own simple happiness, cherish all the 'lil thing...how beautiful..
about love
don't tell me anything about love!
u know what?that i never feel butterfly again when i meet someone
terlalu banyak hal rumit yang gw paksa masuk logika gw, walaupun belum saatnya
yeah.love does hurt but my heart can't go away from love
i hate it
*ya, yaaa. i know. he's there for me, but i can't mind how to start a relationship againu know how?
Senin, 05 Mei 2008
Diposting oleh Rati Afina di 20.44